Monday, November 5, 2012

In Pursuit of Modernity: Paris in the 1850s and 1860s

After Events in 1848, French journalist, the first to call himself an “anarchist” and coined the phrase “property is theft,” Peirre Joseph Proudhon wrote “We have been beaten and humiliated…scattered, imprisoned, disarmed, and gagged. The fate of European democracy has slipped from our hands.”
Pierre Joseph Proudhon

He said that because political and moral idealism had been overcome and the only thing that remained was the prosperity of the bourgeoisie lifestyle. 

The Bourgeoisie was a class that was concerned about property values. 

With bourgeoisie lifestyle came physical embodiments like Haussmann Grands Boulevards, this is where the greatest wealth of the city was and the best shopping

Grands boulevards
Edward King visited Paris and in his memoir the Paris Exposition of 1867 described the grand boulevards: “The boulevards are now par excellence the social centre of Paris. Here the aristocrat comes to lounge, and the stranger to gaze. Here trade intrudes only to gratify the luxurious…On the grands boulevards you find porcelains, perfumery, bronzes, carpets, furs, mirrors, the furnishings of travel, the copy of Gerome’s latest picture, the last daring caricature in the most popular journal, the most aristocratic beer, and the best flavored coffee.” In other words this was the place to be!

The Grands Boulevards were the work of the Baron George’s Eugene Haussmann, he was appointed by Emperor Louis-Napoleon to supervise the planning of the modernization of Paris by destroying the old city and rebuilding it anew. The process of rebuilding came to be known as Haussmannization.

Baron Georges Eugene Haussmann
George’s Eugene Haussmann and Emperor Louis-Napoleon wanted to make Paris the most beautiful city in the world. And indeed they did, Paris is a very beautiful city!

Their changes to Paris not only resulted in a beautiful city but it improved housing sanitation and increased traffic flow. The renovation also helped to prevent the possibility that out of control street riots lead to revolutions.

          Sayre, Henry M. Discovering the Humanities: Second Edition. 2010. Textbook. 

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